[Urgent] To Our Blog Subscribers

PropelGrowth Blog - Financial Services Marketing

A Big “Thank You”

First, we’d like to thank you for being a loyal subscriber. We hope that you’ve been receiving value from our blog. Our goal is to provide insight and information that enhances your work day.

We’re Changing Our RSS Feed

Since the inception of our blog, we’ve been using Google’s Feedburner product to deliver each post to you via RSS (Really Simple Syndication). As we’ve seen the demise of Google Reader last year, it’s only a matter of time before Feedburner fades completely from the Googleverse. Before that happens, we’re planning to transition to another RSS service called Feedblitz. We believe that Feedblitz will be a more reliable service, especially since there’s an actual customer service structure in place.

What Does This All Mean To You?

Hopefully nothing. After this post goes out, we will be changing over to the new service and are anticipating a smooth transition. However, in the event that Murphy’s Law goes into effect, we wanted to advise you on what to do in case your service is interrupted.

We’ll be publishing our next blog post Monday morning (April 14th).

  • If you’re using an RSS reader like Feedly or Digg Reader, and end up missing next week’s blog post, please come back to our site and re-subscribe to our new feed. The button will be in the sidebar of our blog and website pages.
  • If you’re already subscribed to our blog via email and miss next week’s post, please fill out the form in the blog sidebar to re-subscribe.
  • If you’re using an RSS reader like Feedly or Digg Reader, this would be a good time to switch over to our RSS to email feature. This will bring our blog directly to your inbox.

You are a valued member of the PropelGrowth community, and we look forward to bringing you quality content and invite you to join in the conversation. As always, feel free to contact us through the comments box below or. Once again, thank you for subscribing to our blog. Best regards, — Phil

Phil Donaldson
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